Cycling course - Abukuma Express
Abukuma Express Higashifunaoka station → Kakuda City → Watari Town → Iwanuma City → Natori City Yuriage → Kanahebisui Jinja Shrine → Shibata Town → Higashifunaoka station
- Abukuma Express Higashifunaoka station
- Abukuma Express Higashifunaoka station
- distance
- 72.7km
- the maximum difference in elevation
- 87m
- average gradient
- overall:0%
downhill:3.6% - elevation gain
- uphill:337m
downhill:340m - estimated time needed
- 4h50m(according to riding condition)
- Route data
阿武隈急行 東船岡駅
Abukuma Express Higashifunaoka station
One station away from JR Tsukinoki via the Abukuma Express line at which the cycling train- the bike-on board service is available.
- Support
- Bathroom

A natural brackish lake in an inner bay shape formed by the accumulation of sand and soil of the former estuary of Abukuma River. It's exceedingly rich in natural resources- seafood from Arahama port, "Torinoumiso" (a hot spring resort facility), etc.
Come and indulge in the panoramic view of the Pacific Ocean at the public bath on the top floor of the hot spring inn, it's simply unlike any other experience.
- Support
- Bathroom / Parking lot / Food
Millennium Hope Hills

A former residential area before the Tohoku Earthquake, now remodeled as a park for it's no longer suitable for living.
Soils and basements for hills are all recycled materials made from the rubbles and disposal of stricken buildings.
It's also used as a learning spot of natural disasters prevention. Last but not least, the costal line of the course is definitely soothing.
Yuriage Morning Market

A traditional morning market with 40 years of history, which was restarted in December 2013 after the Tohoku earthquake. In Sunday and holiday morning, the market is filled with powerful shout outs and fresh seafoods like the specially ark shells and white bait from the North- there're as many as 50 stalls with nice products. Try your luck as you might be able to take your pick at less than half of normal prices!
- Support
- Bathroom / Parking lot / Food
Kanahebisui Jinja Shrine

Since the ancient time, it has been worshipped as the god for successful business, prosperity, money, as well as for safety of marine transport.
The annual peony festival with huge flower blossoming at the time also attracts a lot of tourists every year.
- Support
- Bathroom / Parking lot
柚子のあぜ道 雨乞のかえる
Paths by Yuzu Citrus Farms, Frogs Praying for Rain

Enjoy glamping and the meal at the hotel which was renovated Japanese traditional house (Kominka).
You can spend quality time with the experience of traditional Japanese lifestyle surrounded by best taste and modern style interior.
Also try out "Kominka Ramen" served only Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
- Support
- Bathroom / Parking lot / Food / Water